My name is Nate Dodson and I founded Hugs Urban Farm in 2015.
I started my farm and began growing and selling microgreens (and other crops) as a way to supplement my income and hopefully transition out of a full-time job that I was starting to really dislike.
That job was as a ecological field restoration worker, spending my days spraying invasive plants with large amounts of herbicide. After 5 long years of busting my butt, climbing through briars with my clothes soaked in sweat and herbicide and tick bites covering my legs, I'd had enough!
I loved my co-workers, but could no longer stand the long hours away from my wife and daughter, and having to wake up at 5am every morning to a blaring alarm clock.
So I launched my farm while continuing that job for one more season, and am proud to say was able to successfully leave that job and start working for myself full-time within one year.
I worked hard to create efficient systems that produced healthy profit margins and focused a great deal of my effort on building a sales process and acquiring customers. I quickly jumped into restaurant sales, farmer market sales, and a home-delivered subscription (CSA-like) program.